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Spark Chart

Small graph capable of visualizing data in a simplified form..


  1. 1

    Install dependencies:

    npm i recharts
  2. 2

    Add component:

    Copy and paste the code into your project’s component directory. Do not forget to update the import paths. If you have not added the required chartUtils.ts, check out the add utilities and helpers section in installation.
    // Tremor Spark Chart [v0.1.2]/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any */
    "use client"
    import React from "react"import {  Area,  Bar,  Line,  AreaChart as RechartsAreaChart,  BarChart as RechartsBarChart,  LineChart as RechartsLineChart,  ResponsiveContainer,  XAxis,  YAxis,} from "recharts"import { AxisDomain } from "recharts/types/util/types"
    import {  AvailableChartColors,  AvailableChartColorsKeys,  constructCategoryColors,  getColorClassName,  getYAxisDomain,} from "@/lib/chartUtils"import { cx } from "@/lib/utils"
    //#region SparkAreaChart
    interface SparkAreaChartProps extends React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLDivElement> {  data: Record<string, any>[]  categories: string[]  index: string  colors?: AvailableChartColorsKeys[]  autoMinValue?: boolean  minValue?: number  maxValue?: number  connectNulls?: boolean  type?: "default" | "stacked" | "percent"  fill?: "gradient" | "solid" | "none"}
    const SparkAreaChart = React.forwardRef<HTMLDivElement, SparkAreaChartProps>(  (props, forwardedRef) => {    const {      data = [],      categories = [],      index,      colors = AvailableChartColors,      autoMinValue = false,      minValue,      maxValue,      connectNulls = false,      type = "default",      className,      fill = "gradient",      ...other    } = props
        const categoryColors = constructCategoryColors(categories, colors)    const yAxisDomain = getYAxisDomain(autoMinValue, minValue, maxValue)    const stacked = type === "stacked" || type === "percent"    const areaId = React.useId()
        const getFillContent = (fillType: SparkAreaChartProps["fill"]) => {      switch (fillType) {        case "none":          return <stop stopColor="currentColor" stopOpacity={0} />        case "gradient":          return (            <>              <stop offset="5%" stopColor="currentColor" stopOpacity={0.4} />              <stop offset="95%" stopColor="currentColor" stopOpacity={0} />            </>          )        case "solid":          return <stop stopColor="currentColor" stopOpacity={0.3} />        default:          return <stop stopColor="currentColor" stopOpacity={0.3} />      }    }
        return (      <div        ref={forwardedRef}        className={cx("h-12 w-28", className)}        tremor-id="tremor-raw"        {...other}      >        <ResponsiveContainer>          <RechartsAreaChart            data={data}            margin={{              bottom: 1,              left: 1,              right: 1,              top: 1,            }}            stackOffset={type === "percent" ? "expand" : undefined}          >            <XAxis hide dataKey={index} />            <YAxis hide={true} domain={yAxisDomain as AxisDomain} />
                { => {              const categoryId = `${areaId}-${category.replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/g, "")}`              return (                <React.Fragment key={category}>                  <defs>                    <linearGradient                      key={category}                      className={cx(                        getColorClassName(                          categoryColors.get(                            category,                          ) as AvailableChartColorsKeys,                          "text",                        ),                      )}                      id={categoryId}                      x1="0"                      y1="0"                      x2="0"                      y2="1"                    >                      {getFillContent(fill)}                    </linearGradient>                  </defs>                  <Area                    className={cx(                      getColorClassName(                        categoryColors.get(                          category,                        ) as AvailableChartColorsKeys,                        "stroke",                      ),                    )}                    dot={false}                    strokeOpacity={1}                    name={category}                    type="linear"                    dataKey={category}                    stroke=""                    strokeWidth={2}                    strokeLinejoin="round"                    strokeLinecap="round"                    isAnimationActive={false}                    connectNulls={connectNulls}                    stackId={stacked ? "stack" : undefined}                    fill={`url(#${categoryId})`}                  />                </React.Fragment>              )            })}          </RechartsAreaChart>        </ResponsiveContainer>      </div>    )  },)
    SparkAreaChart.displayName = "SparkAreaChart"
    //#region SparkLineChart
    interface SparkLineChartProps extends React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLDivElement> {  data: Record<string, any>[]  categories: string[]  index: string  colors?: AvailableChartColorsKeys[]  autoMinValue?: boolean  minValue?: number  maxValue?: number  connectNulls?: boolean}
    const SparkLineChart = React.forwardRef<HTMLDivElement, SparkLineChartProps>(  (props, forwardedRef) => {    const {      data = [],      categories = [],      index,      colors = AvailableChartColors,      autoMinValue = false,      minValue,      maxValue,      connectNulls = false,      className,      ...other    } = props
        const categoryColors = constructCategoryColors(categories, colors)    const yAxisDomain = getYAxisDomain(autoMinValue, minValue, maxValue)
        return (      <div        ref={forwardedRef}        className={cx("h-12 w-28", className)}        tremor-id="tremor-raw"        {...other}      >        <ResponsiveContainer>          <RechartsLineChart            data={data}            margin={{              bottom: 1,              left: 1,              right: 1,              top: 1,            }}          >            <XAxis hide dataKey={index} />            <YAxis hide={true} domain={yAxisDomain as AxisDomain} />            { => (              <Line                className={cx(                  getColorClassName(                    categoryColors.get(category) as AvailableChartColorsKeys,                    "stroke",                  ),                )}                dot={false}                strokeOpacity={1}                key={category}                name={category}                type="linear"                dataKey={category}                stroke=""                strokeWidth={2}                strokeLinejoin="round"                strokeLinecap="round"                isAnimationActive={false}                connectNulls={connectNulls}              />            ))}          </RechartsLineChart>        </ResponsiveContainer>      </div>    )  },)
    SparkLineChart.displayName = "SparkLineChart"
    //#region SparkBarChart
    interface BarChartProps extends React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLDivElement> {  data: Record<string, any>[]  index: string  categories: string[]  colors?: AvailableChartColorsKeys[]  autoMinValue?: boolean  minValue?: number  maxValue?: number  barCategoryGap?: string | number  type?: "default" | "stacked" | "percent"}
    const SparkBarChart = React.forwardRef<HTMLDivElement, BarChartProps>(  (props, forwardedRef) => {    const {      data = [],      categories = [],      index,      colors = AvailableChartColors,      autoMinValue = false,      minValue,      maxValue,      barCategoryGap,      type = "default",      className,      ...other    } = props
        const categoryColors = constructCategoryColors(categories, colors)
        const yAxisDomain = getYAxisDomain(autoMinValue, minValue, maxValue)    const stacked = type === "stacked" || type === "percent"
        return (      <div        ref={forwardedRef}        className={cx("h-12 w-28", className)}        tremor-id="tremor-raw"        {...other}      >        <ResponsiveContainer>          <RechartsBarChart            data={data}            margin={{              bottom: 1,              left: 1,              right: 1,              top: 1,            }}            stackOffset={type === "percent" ? "expand" : undefined}            barCategoryGap={barCategoryGap}          >            <XAxis hide dataKey={index} />            <YAxis hide={true} domain={yAxisDomain as AxisDomain} />
                { => (              <Bar                className={cx(                  getColorClassName(                    categoryColors.get(category) as AvailableChartColorsKeys,                    "fill",                  ),                )}                key={category}                name={category}                type="linear"                dataKey={category}                stackId={stacked ? "stack" : undefined}                isAnimationActive={false}                fill=""              />            ))}          </RechartsBarChart>        </ResponsiveContainer>      </div>    )  },)
    SparkBarChart.displayName = "SparkBarChart"
    export { SparkAreaChart, SparkLineChart, SparkBarChart }

Example with context


Apple Inc.

Example of SparkAreaChart with different fill types

gradient (default)



API Reference: SparkAreaChart, SparkLineChart, and SparkBarChart

Record<string, any>[]
Data used to display the chart.
Key of the data object to map the data to the x axis.

Default: []

Select the categories from your data. Also used to populate the legend and toolip.

Default: []

Change the colors of the categories. To add, update, or remove the colors, edit the 'chartColors' array in your chartUtils.ts file. The AvailableChartColorsKeys will be automatically updated.

Default: AvailableChartColors, which are by default: 'blue' | 'emerald' | 'violet' | 'amber' | 'gray' | 'cyan' | 'pink' | 'lime' | 'fuchsia'

'default' | 'stacked' | 'percent'
(SparkAreaChart Only!) Select how chart areas are positioned relative to each other.

Default: 'default'

'gradient' | 'solid' | 'none'
Select the fill variant of the area.

Default: 'gradient'

Adjusts the minimum value in relation to the magnitude of the data.

Default: false

Sets the minimum value of the shown chart data.
Sets the maximum value of the shown chart data.
Connects datapoints that have null values between them.

Default: false

Percentage | number
(SparkBarChart Only!) The gap between two bar categories, which can be a percent value (string) or a fixed value.

Default: 10%