Vercel wordmark
Tremor is joining Vercel.



Choose one or multiple values from a specified range.


  1. 1

    Install dependencies:

    npm install @radix-ui/react-slider
  2. 2

    Add component:

    Copy and paste the code into your project’s component directory. Do not forget to update the import paths.
    // Tremor Slider [v0.1.0]
    "use client"
    import * as React from "react"import * as SliderPrimitive from "@radix-ui/react-slider"
    import { cx, focusRing } from "@/lib/utils"
    interface SliderProps  extends React.ComponentPropsWithoutRef<typeof SliderPrimitive.Root> {  ariaLabelThumb?: string}
    const Slider = React.forwardRef<  React.ElementRef<typeof SliderPrimitive.Root>,  SliderProps>(({ className, ariaLabelThumb, ...props }, forwardedRef) => {  const value = props.value || props.defaultValue  return (    <SliderPrimitive.Root      ref={forwardedRef}      className={cx(        // base        "relative flex cursor-pointer touch-none select-none",        // orientation        "data-[orientation='horizontal']:w-full data-[orientation='horizontal']:items-center",        "data-[orientation='vertical']:h-full data-[orientation='vertical']:w-fit data-[orientation='vertical']:justify-center",        // disabled        "data-[disabled]:pointer-events-none",        className,      )}      tremor-id="tremor-raw"      {...props}    >      <SliderPrimitive.Track        className={cx(          // base          "relative grow overflow-hidden rounded-full bg-gray-200 dark:bg-gray-800",          // orientation          "data-[orientation='horizontal']:h-1.5 data-[orientation='horizontal']:w-full",          "data-[orientation='vertical']:h-full data-[orientation='vertical']:w-1.5",        )}      >        <SliderPrimitive.Range          className={cx(            // base            "absolute rounded-full bg-blue-500 dark:bg-blue-500",            // orientation            "data-[orientation='horizontal']:h-full",            "data-[orientation='vertical']:w-full",            // disabled            "data-[disabled]:bg-gray-300 dark:data-[disabled]:bg-gray-700",          )}        />      </SliderPrimitive.Track>      {value?.map((_, index) => (        <SliderPrimitive.Thumb          key={index}          className={cx(            // base            "block size-[17px] shrink-0 rounded-full border shadow transition-all",            // boder color            "border-gray-400 dark:border-gray-500",            // background color            "bg-white",            // disabled            "data-[disabled]:pointer-events-none data-[disabled]:bg-gray-200 dark:data-[disabled]:border-gray-800 dark:data-[disabled]:bg-gray-600",            focusRing,            "outline-offset-0",          )}          aria-label={ariaLabelThumb}        />      ))}    </SliderPrimitive.Root>  )})
    Slider.displayName = SliderPrimitive.Root.displayName
    export { Slider }

Example: With Range

Example: Step size 10 and max value 50

Example: Vertical orientation

Example: Controlled

Slider value:55, 75

API Reference: Slider

This component uses the Radix UI API.

Add an aria label to the thumb component.