
Category Bar

Component to indicate progress, performance, or a status.



  1. 1

    Add required components:

    Please add the Tooltip and component to use the CategoryBar.
  2. 2

    Add component:

    Copy and paste the code into your project’s component directory. Do not forget to update the import paths.
    // Tremor CategoryBar [v0.0.1]
    "use client"
    import React from "react"
    import {  AvailableChartColors,  AvailableChartColorsKeys,  getColorClassName,} from "@/lib/chartUtils"import { cx } from "@/lib/utils"
    import { Tooltip } from "./Tooltip"
    const getMarkerBgColor = (  marker: number | undefined,  values: number[],  colors: AvailableChartColorsKeys[],): string => {  if (marker === undefined) return ""
      if (marker === 0) {    for (let index = 0; index < values.length; index++) {      if (values[index] > 0) {        return getColorClassName(colors[index], "bg")      }    }  }
      let prefixSum = 0  for (let index = 0; index < values.length; index++) {    prefixSum += values[index]    if (prefixSum >= marker) {      return getColorClassName(colors[index], "bg")    }  }
      return getColorClassName(colors[values.length - 1], "bg")}
    const getPositionLeft = (  value: number | undefined,  maxValue: number,): number => (value ? (value / maxValue) * 100 : 0)
    const sumNumericArray = (arr: number[]) =>  arr.reduce((prefixSum, num) => prefixSum + num, 0)
    const BarLabels = ({ values }: { values: number[] }) => {  const sumValues = React.useMemo(() => sumNumericArray(values), [values])  let prefixSum = 0  let sumConsecutiveHiddenLabels = 0
      return (    <div      className={cx(        // base        "relative mb-2 flex h-5 w-full text-sm font-medium",        // text color        "text-gray-700 dark:text-gray-300",      )}    >      {, index) => {        prefixSum += widthPercentage
            const showLabel =          (widthPercentage >= 0.1 * sumValues ||            sumConsecutiveHiddenLabels >= 0.09 * sumValues) &&          sumValues - prefixSum >= 0.1 * sumValues &&          prefixSum >= 0.1 * sumValues &&          prefixSum < 0.9 * sumValues
            sumConsecutiveHiddenLabels = showLabel          ? 0          : (sumConsecutiveHiddenLabels += widthPercentage)
            const widthPositionLeft = getPositionLeft(widthPercentage, sumValues)
            return (          <div            key={`item-${index}`}            className="flex items-center justify-end pr-0.5"            style={{ width: `${widthPositionLeft}%` }}          >            <span              className={cx(                showLabel ? "block" : "hidden",                "translate-x-1/2 text-sm tabular-nums",              )}            >              {prefixSum}            </span>          </div>        )      })}      <div className="absolute bottom-0 left-0 flex items-center">0</div>      <div className="absolute bottom-0 right-0 flex items-center">        {sumValues}      </div>    </div>  )}
    interface CategoryBarProps extends React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLDivElement> {  values: number[]  colors?: AvailableChartColorsKeys[]  marker?: { value: number; tooltip?: string; showAnimation?: boolean }  showLabels?: boolean}
    const CategoryBar = React.forwardRef<HTMLDivElement, CategoryBarProps>(  (    {      values = [],      colors = AvailableChartColors,      marker,      showLabels = true,      className,      ...props    },    forwardedRef,  ) => {    const markerBgColor = React.useMemo(      () => getMarkerBgColor(marker?.value, values, colors),      [marker, values, colors],    )
        const maxValue = React.useMemo(() => sumNumericArray(values), [values])
        const adjustedMarkerValue = React.useMemo(() => {      if (marker === undefined) return undefined      if (marker.value < 0) return 0      if (marker.value > maxValue) return maxValue      return marker.value    }, [marker, maxValue])
        const markerPositionLeft: number = React.useMemo(      () => getPositionLeft(adjustedMarkerValue, maxValue),      [adjustedMarkerValue, maxValue],    )
        return (      <div        ref={forwardedRef}        className={cx(className)}        aria-label="category bar"        aria-valuenow={marker?.value}        tremor-id="tremor-raw"        {...props}      >        {showLabels ? <BarLabels values={values} /> : null}        <div className="relative flex h-2 w-full items-center">          <div className="flex h-full flex-1 items-center gap-0.5 overflow-hidden rounded-full">            {, index) => {              const barColor = colors[index] ?? "gray"              const percentage = (value / maxValue) * 100              return (                <div                  key={`item-${index}`}                  className={cx(                    "h-full",                    getColorClassName(                      barColor as AvailableChartColorsKeys,                      "bg",                    ),                    percentage === 0 && "hidden",                  )}                  style={{ width: `${percentage}%` }}                />              )            })}          </div>
              {marker !== undefined ? (            <div              className={cx(                "absolute w-2 -translate-x-1/2",                marker.showAnimation &&                  "transform-gpu transition-all duration-300 ease-in-out",              )}              style={{                left: `${markerPositionLeft}%`,              }}            >              {marker.tooltip ? (                <Tooltip triggerAsChild content={marker.tooltip}>                  <div                    aria-hidden="true"                    className={cx(                      "relative mx-auto h-4 w-1 rounded-full ring-2",                      "ring-white dark:ring-gray-950",                      markerBgColor,                    )}                  >                    <div                      aria-hidden                      className="absolute size-7 -translate-x-[45%] -translate-y-[15%]"                    ></div>                  </div>                </Tooltip>              ) : (                <div                  className={cx(                    "mx-auto h-4 w-1 rounded-full ring-2",                    "ring-white dark:ring-gray-950",                    markerBgColor,                  )}                />              )}            </div>          ) : null}        </div>      </div>    )  },)
    CategoryBar.displayName = "CategoryBar"
    export { CategoryBar, type CategoryBarProps }



API Reference: CategoryBar

Sets the values of the categories.
Change the colors of the categories. To add, update, or remove the colors, edit the 'chartColors' array in your chartUtils.ts file. The AvailableChartColorsKeys will be automatically updated.

Default: AvailableChartColors, which are by default: 'blue' | 'emerald' | 'violet' | 'amber' | 'gray' | 'cyan' | 'pink' | 'lime' | 'fuchsia'

{ value: number; tooltip?: string; showAnimation?: boolean }
Sets the properties of a marker.
Sets the visibility of the category labels.

Default: true