Category Bar
Component to indicate progress, performance, or a status.
"use client"
import { CategoryBar } from "@/components/CategoryBar"
export const CategoryBarHero = () => { return <CategoryBar values={[55, 30, 15]} className="mx-auto max-w-sm" />}
- Please add the Tooltip and component to use the CategoryBar.
- Copy and paste the code into your project’s component directory. Do not forget to update the import paths.
// Tremor CategoryBar [v0.0.3] "use client" import React from "react" import { AvailableChartColors, AvailableChartColorsKeys, getColorClassName,} from "@/lib/chartUtils"import { cx } from "@/lib/utils" import { Tooltip } from "./Tooltip" const getMarkerBgColor = ( marker: number | undefined, values: number[], colors: AvailableChartColorsKeys[],): string => { if (marker === undefined) return "" if (marker === 0) { for (let index = 0; index < values.length; index++) { if (values[index] > 0) { return getColorClassName(colors[index], "bg") } } } let prefixSum = 0 for (let index = 0; index < values.length; index++) { prefixSum += values[index] if (prefixSum >= marker) { return getColorClassName(colors[index], "bg") } } return getColorClassName(colors[values.length - 1], "bg")} const getPositionLeft = ( value: number | undefined, maxValue: number,): number => (value ? (value / maxValue) * 100 : 0) const sumNumericArray = (arr: number[]) => arr.reduce((prefixSum, num) => prefixSum + num, 0) const formatNumber = (num: number): string => { if (Number.isInteger(num)) { return num.toString() } return num.toFixed(1)} const BarLabels = ({ values }: { values: number[] }) => { const sumValues = React.useMemo(() => sumNumericArray(values), [values]) let prefixSum = 0 let sumConsecutiveHiddenLabels = 0 return ( <div className={cx( // base "relative mb-2 flex h-5 w-full text-sm font-medium", // text color "text-gray-700 dark:text-gray-300", )} > <div className="absolute bottom-0 left-0 flex items-center">0</div> {, index) => { prefixSum += widthPercentage const showLabel = (widthPercentage >= 0.1 * sumValues || sumConsecutiveHiddenLabels >= 0.09 * sumValues) && sumValues - prefixSum >= 0.1 * sumValues && prefixSum >= 0.1 * sumValues && prefixSum < 0.9 * sumValues sumConsecutiveHiddenLabels = showLabel ? 0 : (sumConsecutiveHiddenLabels += widthPercentage) const widthPositionLeft = getPositionLeft(widthPercentage, sumValues) return ( <div key={`item-${index}`} className="flex items-center justify-end pr-0.5" style={{ width: `${widthPositionLeft}%` }} > {showLabel ? ( <span className={cx("block translate-x-1/2 text-sm tabular-nums")} > {formatNumber(prefixSum)} </span> ) : null} </div> ) })} <div className="absolute bottom-0 right-0 flex items-center"> {formatNumber(sumValues)} </div> </div> )} interface CategoryBarProps extends React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLDivElement> { values: number[] colors?: AvailableChartColorsKeys[] marker?: { value: number; tooltip?: string; showAnimation?: boolean } showLabels?: boolean} const CategoryBar = React.forwardRef<HTMLDivElement, CategoryBarProps>( ( { values = [], colors = AvailableChartColors, marker, showLabels = true, className, ...props }, forwardedRef, ) => { const markerBgColor = React.useMemo( () => getMarkerBgColor(marker?.value, values, colors), [marker, values, colors], ) const maxValue = React.useMemo(() => sumNumericArray(values), [values]) const adjustedMarkerValue = React.useMemo(() => { if (marker === undefined) return undefined if (marker.value < 0) return 0 if (marker.value > maxValue) return maxValue return marker.value }, [marker, maxValue]) const markerPositionLeft: number = React.useMemo( () => getPositionLeft(adjustedMarkerValue, maxValue), [adjustedMarkerValue, maxValue], ) return ( <div ref={forwardedRef} className={cx(className)} aria-label="Category bar" aria-valuenow={marker?.value} tremor-id="tremor-raw" {...props} > {showLabels ? <BarLabels values={values} /> : null} <div className="relative flex h-2 w-full items-center"> <div className="flex h-full flex-1 items-center gap-0.5 overflow-hidden rounded-full"> {, index) => { const barColor = colors[index] ?? "gray" const percentage = (value / maxValue) * 100 return ( <div key={`item-${index}`} className={cx( "h-full", getColorClassName( barColor as AvailableChartColorsKeys, "bg", ), percentage === 0 && "hidden", )} style={{ width: `${percentage}%` }} /> ) })} </div> {marker !== undefined ? ( <div className={cx( "absolute w-2 -translate-x-1/2", marker.showAnimation && "transform-gpu transition-all duration-300 ease-in-out", )} style={{ left: `${markerPositionLeft}%`, }} > {marker.tooltip ? ( <Tooltip asChild content={marker.tooltip}> <div aria-hidden="true" className={cx( "relative mx-auto h-4 w-1 rounded-full ring-2", "ring-white dark:ring-gray-950", markerBgColor, )} > <div aria-hidden className="absolute size-7 -translate-x-[45%] -translate-y-[15%]" ></div> </div> </Tooltip> ) : ( <div className={cx( "mx-auto h-4 w-1 rounded-full ring-2", "ring-white dark:ring-gray-950", markerBgColor, )} /> )} </div> ) : null} </div> </div> ) },) CategoryBar.displayName = "CategoryBar" export { CategoryBar, type CategoryBarProps }
"use client"
import { CategoryBar } from "@/components/CategoryBar"
export const CategoryBarExample = () => { return ( <CategoryBar values={[10, 10, 20]} marker={{ value: 17, tooltip: "68", showAnimation: true }} colors={["pink", "amber", "emerald"]} className="mx-auto max-w-sm" /> )}
API Reference: CategoryBar
- values
- Sets the values of the categories.
- colors
- Change the colors of the categories. To add, update, or remove the colors, edit the 'chartColors' array in your chartUtils.ts file. The AvailableChartColorsKeys will be automatically updated.
Default: AvailableChartColors, which are by default: 'blue' | 'emerald' | 'violet' | 'amber' | 'gray' | 'cyan' | 'pink' | 'lime' | 'fuchsia'
- marker
- Sets the properties of a marker.
{ value: number; tooltip?: string; showAnimation?: boolean }
- showLabels
- Sets the visibility of the category labels.
Default: true