Donut Chart
Displays quantitative information through a circular visualization.
Variant: `donut`
Variant: `pie`
"use client"
import { DonutChart } from "@/components/DonutChart"
const data = [ { name: "SolarCells", amount: 4890, }, { name: "Glass", amount: 2103, }, { name: "JunctionBox", amount: 2050, }, { name: "Adhesive", amount: 1300, }, { name: "BackSheet", amount: 1100, }, { name: "Frame", amount: 700, }, { name: "Encapsulant", amount: 200, },]
export const DonutChartHero = () => ( <div className="flex flex-col gap-12"> <div className="flex flex-col items-center justify-center gap-4"> <p className="text-gray-700 dark:text-gray-300">Variant: `donut`</p> <DonutChart data={data} category="name" value="amount" valueFormatter={(number: number) => `$${Intl.NumberFormat("us").format(number).toString()}` } /> </div> <div className="flex flex-col items-center justify-center gap-4"> <p className="text-gray-700 dark:text-gray-300">Variant: `pie`</p> <DonutChart data={data} variant="pie" category="name" value="amount" valueFormatter={(number: number) => `$${Intl.NumberFormat("us").format(number).toString()}` } /> </div> </div>)
npm i recharts
- Copy and paste the code into your project’s component directory. Do not forget to update the import paths. If you have not added the required chartUtils.ts, check out the add utilities and helpers section in installation.
// Tremor DonutChart [v0.0.1]/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any */ "use client" import React from "react"import { Pie, PieChart as ReChartsDonutChart, ResponsiveContainer, Sector, Tooltip,} from "recharts" import { AvailableChartColors, AvailableChartColorsKeys, constructCategoryColors, getColorClassName,} from "@/lib/chartUtils"import { cx } from "@/lib/utils" const sumNumericArray = (arr: number[]): number => arr.reduce((sum, num) => sum + num, 0) const parseData = ( data: Record<string, any>[], categoryColors: Map<string, AvailableChartColorsKeys>, category: string,) => => ({ ...dataPoint, color: categoryColors.get(dataPoint[category]) || AvailableChartColors[0], className: getColorClassName( categoryColors.get(dataPoint[category]) || AvailableChartColors[0], "fill", ), })) const calculateDefaultLabel = (data: any[], valueKey: string): number => sumNumericArray( => dataPoint[valueKey])) const parseLabelInput = ( labelInput: string | undefined, valueFormatter: (value: number) => string, data: any[], valueKey: string,): string => labelInput || valueFormatter(calculateDefaultLabel(data, valueKey)) //#region Tooltip type TooltipProps = Pick<ChartTooltipProps, "active" | "payload"> type PayloadItem = { category: string value: number color: AvailableChartColorsKeys} interface ChartTooltipProps { active: boolean | undefined payload: PayloadItem[] valueFormatter: (value: number) => string} const ChartTooltip = ({ active, payload, valueFormatter,}: ChartTooltipProps) => { if (active && payload && payload.length) { return ( <div className={cx( // base "rounded-md border text-sm shadow-md", // border color "border-gray-200 dark:border-gray-800", // background color "bg-white dark:bg-gray-950", )} > <div className={cx("space-y-1 px-4 py-2")}> {{ value, category, color }, index) => ( <div key={`id-${index}`} className="flex items-center justify-between space-x-8" > <div className="flex items-center space-x-2"> <span aria-hidden="true" className={cx( "size-2 shrink-0 rounded-full", getColorClassName(color, "bg"), )} /> <p className={cx( // base "whitespace-nowrap text-right", // text color "text-gray-700 dark:text-gray-300", )} > {category} </p> </div> <p className={cx( // base "whitespace-nowrap text-right font-medium tabular-nums", // text color "text-gray-900 dark:text-gray-50", )} > {valueFormatter(value)} </p> </div> ))} </div> </div> ) } return null} const renderInactiveShape = (props: any) => { const { cx, cy, innerRadius, outerRadius, startAngle, endAngle, className } = props return ( <Sector cx={cx} cy={cy} innerRadius={innerRadius} outerRadius={outerRadius} startAngle={startAngle} endAngle={endAngle} className={className} fill="" opacity={0.3} style={{ outline: "none" }} /> )} type DonutChartVariant = "donut" | "pie" type BaseEventProps = { eventType: "sector" categoryClicked: string [key: string]: number | string} type DonutChartEventProps = BaseEventProps | null | undefined interface DonutChartProps extends React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLDivElement> { data: Record<string, any>[] category: string value: string colors?: AvailableChartColorsKeys[] variant?: DonutChartVariant valueFormatter?: (value: number) => string label?: string showLabel?: boolean showTooltip?: boolean onValueChange?: (value: DonutChartEventProps) => void tooltipCallback?: (tooltipCallbackContent: TooltipProps) => void customTooltip?: React.ComponentType<TooltipProps>} const DonutChart = React.forwardRef<HTMLDivElement, DonutChartProps>( ( { data = [], value, category, colors = AvailableChartColors, variant = "donut", valueFormatter = (value: number) => value.toString(), label, showLabel = false, showTooltip = true, onValueChange, tooltipCallback, customTooltip, className, ...other }, forwardedRef, ) => { const CustomTooltip = customTooltip const [activeIndex, setActiveIndex] = React.useState<number | undefined>( undefined, ) const isDonut = variant === "donut" const parsedLabelInput = parseLabelInput(label, valueFormatter, data, value) const categories = Array.from(new Set( => item[category]))) const categoryColors = constructCategoryColors(categories, colors) const prevActiveRef = React.useRef<boolean | undefined>(undefined) const prevCategoryRef = React.useRef<string | undefined>(undefined) const handleShapeClick = ( data: any, index: number, event: React.MouseEvent, ) => { event.stopPropagation() if (!onValueChange) return if (activeIndex === index) { setActiveIndex(undefined) onValueChange(null) } else { setActiveIndex(index) onValueChange({ eventType: "sector", categoryClicked: data.payload[category],, }) } } return ( <div ref={forwardedRef} className={cx("h-40 w-40", className)} tremor-id="tremor-raw" {...other} > <ResponsiveContainer className="size-full"> <ReChartsDonutChart onClick={ onValueChange && activeIndex !== undefined ? () => { setActiveIndex(undefined) onValueChange(null) } : undefined } margin={{ top: 0, left: 0, right: 0, bottom: 0 }} > {showLabel && isDonut && ( <text className="fill-gray-700 dark:fill-gray-300" x="50%" y="50%" textAnchor="middle" dominantBaseline="middle" > {parsedLabelInput} </text> )} <Pie className={cx( "stroke-white dark:stroke-gray-950 [&_.recharts-pie-sector]:outline-none", onValueChange ? "cursor-pointer" : "cursor-default", )} data={parseData(data, categoryColors, category)} cx="50%" cy="50%" startAngle={90} endAngle={-270} innerRadius={isDonut ? "75%" : "0%"} outerRadius="100%" stroke="" strokeLinejoin="round" dataKey={value} nameKey={category} isAnimationActive={false} onClick={handleShapeClick} activeIndex={activeIndex} inactiveShape={renderInactiveShape} style={{ outline: "none" }} /> {showTooltip && ( <Tooltip wrapperStyle={{ outline: "none" }} isAnimationActive={false} content={({ active, payload }) => { const cleanPayload = payload ? any) => ({ category: item.payload[category], value: item.value, color: categoryColors.get( item.payload[category], ) as AvailableChartColorsKeys, })) : [] const payloadCategory: string = cleanPayload[0]?.category if ( tooltipCallback && (active !== prevActiveRef.current || payloadCategory !== prevCategoryRef.current) ) { tooltipCallback({ active, payload: cleanPayload, }) prevActiveRef.current = active prevCategoryRef.current = payloadCategory } return showTooltip && active ? ( CustomTooltip ? ( <CustomTooltip active={active} payload={cleanPayload} /> ) : ( <ChartTooltip active={active} payload={cleanPayload} valueFormatter={valueFormatter} /> ) ) : null }} /> )} </ReChartsDonutChart> </ResponsiveContainer> </div> ) },) DonutChart.displayName = "DonutChart" export { DonutChart, type DonutChartEventProps, type TooltipProps }
Example with label
"use client"
import { DonutChart } from "@/components/DonutChart"
const chartdata = [ { name: "SolarCells", amount: 4890, }, { name: "Glass", amount: 2103, }, { name: "JunctionBox", amount: 2050, }, { name: "Adhesive", amount: 1300, }, { name: "BackSheet", amount: 1100, }, { name: "Frame", amount: 700, }, { name: "Encapsulant", amount: 200, },]
export const DonutChartLabelExample = () => ( <DonutChart className="mx-auto" data={chartdata} category="name" value="amount" showLabel={true} valueFormatter={(number: number) => `$${Intl.NumberFormat("us").format(number).toString()}` } />)
Example with onValueChange
When you add onValueChange to the DonutChart, it becomes clickable.
"use client"
import React from "react"
import { DonutChart, DonutChartEventProps } from "@/components/DonutChart"
const chartdata = [ { name: "SolarCells", amount: 4890, }, { name: "Glass", amount: 2103, }, { name: "JunctionBox", amount: 2050, }, { name: "Adhesive", amount: 1300, }, { name: "BackSheet", amount: 1100, }, { name: "Frame", amount: 700, }, { name: "Encapsulant", amount: 200, },]
export const DonutChartOnValueChangeExample = () => { const [value, setValue] = React.useState<DonutChartEventProps>(null) return ( <> <DonutChart className="mx-auto" data={chartdata} category="name" value="amount" onValueChange={(v) => setValue(v)} /> <pre className="mt-8 rounded-md bg-gray-950 p-3 text-sm text-white dark:bg-gray-800"> {JSON.stringify(value, null, 2)} </pre> </> )}
Example with tooltipCallback and colors
Revenue by category
"use client"
import React from "react"
import { DonutChart, TooltipProps } from "@/components/DonutChart"
interface DataItem { name: string amount: number}
const data: DataItem[] = [ { name: "SolarCells", amount: 4890, }, { name: "Glass", amount: 2103, }, { name: "JunctionBox", amount: 2050, }, { name: "Adhesive", amount: 1300, },]
function DonutChartCallbackExample() { const [datas, setDatas] = React.useState<TooltipProps | null>(null)
const sumNumericArray = (arr: number[]): number => arr.reduce((sum, num) => sum + num, 0)
const currencyFormatter = (number: number) => `$${Intl.NumberFormat("us").format(number)}`
const payload = datas?.payload?.[0] const value = payload?.value ?? 0
const formattedValue = payload ? currencyFormatter(value) : currencyFormatter( sumNumericArray( => dataPoint.amount)), )
return ( <div> <p className="text-center text-sm text-gray-700 dark:text-gray-300"> Revenue by category </p> <p className="mt-2 w-full text-center text-xl font-semibold text-gray-900 dark:text-gray-50"> {formattedValue} </p> <DonutChart data={data} category="name" value="amount" className="mx-auto mt-8" colors={["blue", "violet", "cyan", "emerald"]} tooltipCallback={(props) => { if ( { setDatas((prev) => { if (prev?.payload[0].category === props.payload[0].category) return prev return props }) } else { setDatas(null) } return null }} /> </div> )}
API Reference: DonutChart
- data
- Data used to display the chart.
Record<string, any>[]
- cateogry
- Key of the data object to map the data to the categories.
- value
- Select the value from your data.
- colors
- Change the colors of the categories. To add, update, or remove the colors, edit the 'chartColors' array in your chartUtils.ts file. The AvailableChartColorsKeys will be automatically updated.
Default: AvailableChartColors, which are by default: 'blue' | 'emerald' | 'violet' | 'amber' | 'gray' | 'cyan' | 'pink' | 'lime' | 'fuchsia'
- variant
- Select how chart is rendered.
'donut' | 'pie'
Default: 'donut'
- valueFormatter
- Controls the text formatting for the y-axis values. Also used in the Tooltip.
(value: number) => string
- label
- Places a text element in the center of the donut chart. Only available when variant property is set to 'donut'.
- showLabel
- Controls the visibility of the label displayed in the center. Only available when variant property is set to 'donut'.
Default: false
- showTooltip
- Controls the visibility of the tooltip.
Default: true
- onValueChange
- Callback function for when the value of the component changes.
(value: DonutChartEventProps) => void
- tooltipCallback
- Callback function that returns the active, payload, when the tooltip changes.
(tooltipCallbackContent: TooltipProps) => void
- customTooltip
- Render a custom tooltip component.