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Area Chart

Graph with lines connecting data points and shaded areas between the lines and the x-axis.


  1. 1

    Install dependencies:

    npm i recharts
  2. 2

    Add useOnWindowResize.ts hook:

    Copy and paste the code into your project’s hooks or component directory.
    // Tremor useOnWindowResize [v0.0.0]
    import * as React from "react"
    export const useOnWindowResize = (handler: { (): void }) => {  React.useEffect(() => {    const handleResize = () => {      handler()    }    handleResize()    window.addEventListener("resize", handleResize)
        return () => window.removeEventListener("resize", handleResize)  }, [handler])}
  3. 3

    Add component:

    Copy and paste the code into your project’s component directory. Do not forget to update the import paths. If you have not added the required chartUtils.ts, check out the add utilities and helpers section in installation.
    // Tremor AreaChart [v0.3.1]/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any */
    "use client"
    import React from "react"import { RiArrowLeftSLine, RiArrowRightSLine } from "@remixicon/react"import {  Area,  CartesianGrid,  Dot,  Label,  Line,  AreaChart as RechartsAreaChart,  Legend as RechartsLegend,  ResponsiveContainer,  Tooltip,  XAxis,  YAxis,} from "recharts"import { AxisDomain } from "recharts/types/util/types"
    import {  AvailableChartColors,  AvailableChartColorsKeys,  constructCategoryColors,  getColorClassName,  getYAxisDomain,  hasOnlyOneValueForKey,} from "@/lib/chartUtils"import { useOnWindowResize } from "@/lib/useOnWindowResize"import { cx } from "@/lib/utils"
    //#region Legend
    interface LegendItemProps {  name: string  color: AvailableChartColorsKeys  onClick?: (name: string, color: AvailableChartColorsKeys) => void  activeLegend?: string}
    const LegendItem = ({  name,  color,  onClick,  activeLegend,}: LegendItemProps) => {  const hasOnValueChange = !!onClick  return (    <li      className={cx(        // base        "group inline-flex flex-nowrap items-center gap-1.5 whitespace-nowrap rounded px-2 py-1 transition",        hasOnValueChange          ? "cursor-pointer hover:bg-gray-100 dark:hover:bg-gray-800"          : "cursor-default",      )}      onClick={(e) => {        e.stopPropagation()        onClick?.(name, color)      }}    >      <span        className={cx(          "h-[3px] w-3.5 shrink-0 rounded-full",          getColorClassName(color, "bg"),          activeLegend && activeLegend !== name ? "opacity-40" : "opacity-100",        )}        aria-hidden={true}      />      <p        className={cx(          // base          "truncate whitespace-nowrap text-xs",          // text color          "text-gray-700 dark:text-gray-300",          hasOnValueChange &&            "group-hover:text-gray-900 dark:group-hover:text-gray-50",          activeLegend && activeLegend !== name ? "opacity-40" : "opacity-100",        )}      >        {name}      </p>    </li>  )}
    interface ScrollButtonProps {  icon: React.ElementType  onClick?: () => void  disabled?: boolean}
    const ScrollButton = ({ icon, onClick, disabled }: ScrollButtonProps) => {  const Icon = icon  const [isPressed, setIsPressed] = React.useState(false)  const intervalRef = React.useRef<NodeJS.Timeout | null>(null)
      React.useEffect(() => {    if (isPressed) {      intervalRef.current = setInterval(() => {        onClick?.()      }, 300)    } else {      clearInterval(intervalRef.current as NodeJS.Timeout)    }    return () => clearInterval(intervalRef.current as NodeJS.Timeout)  }, [isPressed, onClick])
      React.useEffect(() => {    if (disabled) {      clearInterval(intervalRef.current as NodeJS.Timeout)      setIsPressed(false)    }  }, [disabled])
      return (    <button      type="button"      className={cx(        // base        "group inline-flex size-5 items-center truncate rounded transition",        disabled          ? "cursor-not-allowed text-gray-400 dark:text-gray-600"          : "cursor-pointer text-gray-700 hover:bg-gray-100 hover:text-gray-900 dark:text-gray-300 dark:hover:bg-gray-800 dark:hover:text-gray-50",      )}      disabled={disabled}      onClick={(e) => {        e.stopPropagation()        onClick?.()      }}      onMouseDown={(e) => {        e.stopPropagation()        setIsPressed(true)      }}      onMouseUp={(e) => {        e.stopPropagation()        setIsPressed(false)      }}    >      <Icon className="size-full" aria-hidden="true" />    </button>  )}
    interface LegendProps extends React.OlHTMLAttributes<HTMLOListElement> {  categories: string[]  colors?: AvailableChartColorsKeys[]  onClickLegendItem?: (category: string, color: string) => void  activeLegend?: string  enableLegendSlider?: boolean}
    type HasScrollProps = {  left: boolean  right: boolean}
    const Legend = React.forwardRef<HTMLOListElement, LegendProps>((props, ref) => {  const {    categories,    colors = AvailableChartColors,    className,    onClickLegendItem,    activeLegend,    enableLegendSlider = false,    ...other  } = props  const scrollableRef = React.useRef<HTMLInputElement>(null)  const scrollButtonsRef = React.useRef<HTMLDivElement>(null)  const [hasScroll, setHasScroll] = React.useState<HasScrollProps | null>(null)  const [isKeyDowned, setIsKeyDowned] = React.useState<string | null>(null)  const intervalRef = React.useRef<NodeJS.Timeout | null>(null)
      const checkScroll = React.useCallback(() => {    const scrollable = scrollableRef?.current    if (!scrollable) return
        const hasLeftScroll = scrollable.scrollLeft > 0    const hasRightScroll =      scrollable.scrollWidth - scrollable.clientWidth > scrollable.scrollLeft
        setHasScroll({ left: hasLeftScroll, right: hasRightScroll })  }, [setHasScroll])
      const scrollToTest = React.useCallback(    (direction: "left" | "right") => {      const element = scrollableRef?.current      const scrollButtons = scrollButtonsRef?.current      const scrollButtonsWith = scrollButtons?.clientWidth ?? 0      const width = element?.clientWidth ?? 0
          if (element && enableLegendSlider) {        element.scrollTo({          left:            direction === "left"              ? element.scrollLeft - width + scrollButtonsWith              : element.scrollLeft + width - scrollButtonsWith,          behavior: "smooth",        })        setTimeout(() => {          checkScroll()        }, 400)      }    },    [enableLegendSlider, checkScroll],  )
      React.useEffect(() => {    const keyDownHandler = (key: string) => {      if (key === "ArrowLeft") {        scrollToTest("left")      } else if (key === "ArrowRight") {        scrollToTest("right")      }    }    if (isKeyDowned) {      keyDownHandler(isKeyDowned)      intervalRef.current = setInterval(() => {        keyDownHandler(isKeyDowned)      }, 300)    } else {      clearInterval(intervalRef.current as NodeJS.Timeout)    }    return () => clearInterval(intervalRef.current as NodeJS.Timeout)  }, [isKeyDowned, scrollToTest])
      const keyDown = (e: KeyboardEvent) => {    e.stopPropagation()    if (e.key === "ArrowLeft" || e.key === "ArrowRight") {      e.preventDefault()      setIsKeyDowned(e.key)    }  }  const keyUp = (e: KeyboardEvent) => {    e.stopPropagation()    setIsKeyDowned(null)  }
      React.useEffect(() => {    const scrollable = scrollableRef?.current    if (enableLegendSlider) {      checkScroll()      scrollable?.addEventListener("keydown", keyDown)      scrollable?.addEventListener("keyup", keyUp)    }
        return () => {      scrollable?.removeEventListener("keydown", keyDown)      scrollable?.removeEventListener("keyup", keyUp)    }  }, [checkScroll, enableLegendSlider])
      return (    <ol      ref={ref}      className={cx("relative overflow-hidden", className)}      {...other}    >      <div        ref={scrollableRef}        tabIndex={0}        className={cx(          "flex h-full",          enableLegendSlider            ? hasScroll?.right || hasScroll?.left              ? "snap-mandatory items-center overflow-auto pl-4 pr-12 [scrollbar-width:none] [&::-webkit-scrollbar]:hidden"              : ""            : "flex-wrap",        )}      >        {, index) => (          <LegendItem            key={`item-${index}`}            name={category}            color={colors[index] as AvailableChartColorsKeys}            onClick={onClickLegendItem}            activeLegend={activeLegend}          />        ))}      </div>      {enableLegendSlider && (hasScroll?.right || hasScroll?.left) ? (        <>          <div            className={cx(              // base              "absolute bottom-0 right-0 top-0 flex h-full items-center justify-center pr-1",              // background color              "bg-white dark:bg-gray-950",            )}          >            <ScrollButton              icon={RiArrowLeftSLine}              onClick={() => {                setIsKeyDowned(null)                scrollToTest("left")              }}              disabled={!hasScroll?.left}            />            <ScrollButton              icon={RiArrowRightSLine}              onClick={() => {                setIsKeyDowned(null)                scrollToTest("right")              }}              disabled={!hasScroll?.right}            />          </div>        </>      ) : null}    </ol>  )})
    Legend.displayName = "Legend"
    const ChartLegend = (  { payload }: any,  categoryColors: Map<string, AvailableChartColorsKeys>,  setLegendHeight: React.Dispatch<React.SetStateAction<number>>,  activeLegend: string | undefined,  onClick?: (category: string, color: string) => void,  enableLegendSlider?: boolean,  legendPosition?: "left" | "center" | "right",  yAxisWidth?: number,) => {  const legendRef = React.useRef<HTMLDivElement>(null)
      useOnWindowResize(() => {    const calculateHeight = (height: number | undefined) =>      height ? Number(height) + 15 : 60    setLegendHeight(calculateHeight(legendRef.current?.clientHeight))  })
      const legendPayload = payload.filter((item: any) => item.type !== "none")
      const paddingLeft =    legendPosition === "left" && yAxisWidth ? yAxisWidth - 8 : 0
      return (    <div      ref={legendRef}      style={{ paddingLeft: paddingLeft }}      className={cx(        "flex items-center",        { "justify-center": legendPosition === "center" },        { "justify-start": legendPosition === "left" },        { "justify-end": legendPosition === "right" },      )}    >      <Legend        categories={ any) => entry.value)}        colors={ any) =>          categoryColors.get(entry.value),        )}        onClickLegendItem={onClick}        activeLegend={activeLegend}        enableLegendSlider={enableLegendSlider}      />    </div>  )}
    //#region Tooltip
    type TooltipProps = Pick<ChartTooltipProps, "active" | "payload" | "label">
    type PayloadItem = {  category: string  value: number  index: string  color: AvailableChartColorsKeys  type?: string  payload: any}
    interface ChartTooltipProps {  active: boolean | undefined  payload: PayloadItem[]  label: string  valueFormatter: (value: number) => string}
    const ChartTooltip = ({  active,  payload,  label,  valueFormatter,}: ChartTooltipProps) => {  if (active && payload && payload.length) {    return (      <div        className={cx(          // base          "rounded-md border text-sm shadow-md",          // border color          "border-gray-200 dark:border-gray-800",          // background color          "bg-white dark:bg-gray-950",        )}      >        <div className={cx("border-b border-inherit px-4 py-2")}>          <p            className={cx(              // base              "font-medium",              // text color              "text-gray-900 dark:text-gray-50",            )}          >            {label}          </p>        </div>        <div className={cx("space-y-1 px-4 py-2")}>          {{ value, category, color }, index) => (            <div              key={`id-${index}`}              className="flex items-center justify-between space-x-8"            >              <div className="flex items-center space-x-2">                <span                  aria-hidden="true"                  className={cx(                    "h-[3px] w-3.5 shrink-0 rounded-full",                    getColorClassName(color, "bg"),                  )}                />                <p                  className={cx(                    // base                    "whitespace-nowrap text-right",                    // text color                    "text-gray-700 dark:text-gray-300",                  )}                >                  {category}                </p>              </div>              <p                className={cx(                  // base                  "whitespace-nowrap text-right font-medium tabular-nums",                  // text color                  "text-gray-900 dark:text-gray-50",                )}              >                {valueFormatter(value)}              </p>            </div>          ))}        </div>      </div>    )  }  return null}
    //#region AreaChart
    interface ActiveDot {  index?: number  dataKey?: string}
    type BaseEventProps = {  eventType: "dot" | "category"  categoryClicked: string  [key: string]: number | string}
    type AreaChartEventProps = BaseEventProps | null | undefined
    interface AreaChartProps extends React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLDivElement> {  data: Record<string, any>[]  index: string  categories: string[]  colors?: AvailableChartColorsKeys[]  valueFormatter?: (value: number) => string  startEndOnly?: boolean  showXAxis?: boolean  showYAxis?: boolean  showGridLines?: boolean  yAxisWidth?: number  intervalType?: "preserveStartEnd" | "equidistantPreserveStart"  showTooltip?: boolean  showLegend?: boolean  autoMinValue?: boolean  minValue?: number  maxValue?: number  allowDecimals?: boolean  onValueChange?: (value: AreaChartEventProps) => void  enableLegendSlider?: boolean  tickGap?: number  connectNulls?: boolean  xAxisLabel?: string  yAxisLabel?: string  type?: "default" | "stacked" | "percent"  legendPosition?: "left" | "center" | "right"  fill?: "gradient" | "solid" | "none"  tooltipCallback?: (tooltipCallbackContent: TooltipProps) => void  customTooltip?: React.ComponentType<TooltipProps>}
    const AreaChart = React.forwardRef<HTMLDivElement, AreaChartProps>(  (props, ref) => {    const {      data = [],      categories = [],      index,      colors = AvailableChartColors,      valueFormatter = (value: number) => value.toString(),      startEndOnly = false,      showXAxis = true,      showYAxis = true,      showGridLines = true,      yAxisWidth = 56,      intervalType = "equidistantPreserveStart",      showTooltip = true,      showLegend = true,      autoMinValue = false,      minValue,      maxValue,      allowDecimals = true,      connectNulls = false,      className,      onValueChange,      enableLegendSlider = false,      tickGap = 5,      xAxisLabel,      yAxisLabel,      type = "default",      legendPosition = "right",      fill = "gradient",      tooltipCallback,      customTooltip,      ...other    } = props    const CustomTooltip = customTooltip    const paddingValue =      (!showXAxis && !showYAxis) || (startEndOnly && !showYAxis) ? 0 : 20    const [legendHeight, setLegendHeight] = React.useState(60)    const [activeDot, setActiveDot] = React.useState<ActiveDot | undefined>(      undefined,    )    const [activeLegend, setActiveLegend] = React.useState<string | undefined>(      undefined,    )    const categoryColors = constructCategoryColors(categories, colors)
        const yAxisDomain = getYAxisDomain(autoMinValue, minValue, maxValue)    const hasOnValueChange = !!onValueChange    const stacked = type === "stacked" || type === "percent"    const areaId = React.useId()
        const prevActiveRef = React.useRef<boolean | undefined>(undefined)    const prevLabelRef = React.useRef<string | undefined>(undefined)
        const getFillContent = ({      fillType,      activeDot,      activeLegend,      category,    }: {      fillType: AreaChartProps["fill"]      activeDot: ActiveDot | undefined      activeLegend: string | undefined      category: string    }) => {      const stopOpacity =        activeDot || (activeLegend && activeLegend !== category) ? 0.1 : 0.3
          switch (fillType) {        case "none":          return <stop stopColor="currentColor" stopOpacity={0} />        case "gradient":          return (            <>              <stop                offset="5%"                stopColor="currentColor"                stopOpacity={stopOpacity}              />              <stop offset="95%" stopColor="currentColor" stopOpacity={0} />            </>          )        case "solid":        default:          return <stop stopColor="currentColor" stopOpacity={stopOpacity} />      }    }
        function valueToPercent(value: number) {      return `${(value * 100).toFixed(0)}%`    }
        function onDotClick(itemData: any, event: React.MouseEvent) {      event.stopPropagation()
          if (!hasOnValueChange) return      if (        (itemData.index === activeDot?.index &&          itemData.dataKey === activeDot?.dataKey) ||        (hasOnlyOneValueForKey(data, itemData.dataKey) &&          activeLegend &&          activeLegend === itemData.dataKey)      ) {        setActiveLegend(undefined)        setActiveDot(undefined)        onValueChange?.(null)      } else {        setActiveLegend(itemData.dataKey)        setActiveDot({          index: itemData.index,          dataKey: itemData.dataKey,        })        onValueChange?.({          eventType: "dot",          categoryClicked: itemData.dataKey,          ...itemData.payload,        })      }    }
        function onCategoryClick(dataKey: string) {      if (!hasOnValueChange) return      if (        (dataKey === activeLegend && !activeDot) ||        (hasOnlyOneValueForKey(data, dataKey) &&          activeDot &&          activeDot.dataKey === dataKey)      ) {        setActiveLegend(undefined)        onValueChange?.(null)      } else {        setActiveLegend(dataKey)        onValueChange?.({          eventType: "category",          categoryClicked: dataKey,        })      }      setActiveDot(undefined)    }
        return (      <div        ref={ref}        className={cx("h-80 w-full", className)}        tremor-id="tremor-raw"        {...other}      >        <ResponsiveContainer>          <RechartsAreaChart            data={data}            onClick={              hasOnValueChange && (activeLegend || activeDot)                ? () => {                    setActiveDot(undefined)                    setActiveLegend(undefined)                    onValueChange?.(null)                  }                : undefined            }            margin={{              bottom: xAxisLabel ? 30 : undefined,              left: yAxisLabel ? 20 : undefined,              right: yAxisLabel ? 5 : undefined,              top: 5,            }}            stackOffset={type === "percent" ? "expand" : undefined}          >            {showGridLines ? (              <CartesianGrid                className={cx("stroke-gray-200 stroke-1 dark:stroke-gray-800")}                horizontal={true}                vertical={false}              />            ) : null}            <XAxis              padding={{ left: paddingValue, right: paddingValue }}              hide={!showXAxis}              dataKey={index}              interval={startEndOnly ? "preserveStartEnd" : intervalType}              tick={{ transform: "translate(0, 6)" }}              ticks={                startEndOnly                  ? [data[0][index], data[data.length - 1][index]]                  : undefined              }              fill=""              stroke=""              className={cx(                // base                "text-xs",                // text fill                "fill-gray-500 dark:fill-gray-500",              )}              tickLine={false}              axisLine={false}              minTickGap={tickGap}            >              {xAxisLabel && (                <Label                  position="insideBottom"                  offset={-20}                  className="fill-gray-800 text-sm font-medium dark:fill-gray-200"                >                  {xAxisLabel}                </Label>              )}            </XAxis>            <YAxis              width={yAxisWidth}              hide={!showYAxis}              axisLine={false}              tickLine={false}              type="number"              domain={yAxisDomain as AxisDomain}              tick={{ transform: "translate(-3, 0)" }}              fill=""              stroke=""              className={cx(                // base                "text-xs",                // text fill                "fill-gray-500 dark:fill-gray-500",              )}              tickFormatter={                type === "percent" ? valueToPercent : valueFormatter              }              allowDecimals={allowDecimals}            >              {yAxisLabel && (                <Label                  position="insideLeft"                  style={{ textAnchor: "middle" }}                  angle={-90}                  offset={-15}                  className="fill-gray-800 text-sm font-medium dark:fill-gray-200"                >                  {yAxisLabel}                </Label>              )}            </YAxis>            <Tooltip              wrapperStyle={{ outline: "none" }}              isAnimationActive={true}              animationDuration={100}              cursor={{ stroke: "#d1d5db", strokeWidth: 1 }}              offset={20}              position={{ y: 0 }}              content={({ active, payload, label }) => {                const cleanPayload: TooltipProps["payload"] = payload                  ? any) => ({                      category: item.dataKey,                      value: item.value,                      index: item.payload[index],                      color: categoryColors.get(                        item.dataKey,                      ) as AvailableChartColorsKeys,                      type: item.type,                      payload: item.payload,                    }))                  : []
                    if (                  tooltipCallback &&                  (active !== prevActiveRef.current ||                    label !== prevLabelRef.current)                ) {                  tooltipCallback({ active, payload: cleanPayload, label })                  prevActiveRef.current = active                  prevLabelRef.current = label                }
                    return showTooltip && active ? (                  CustomTooltip ? (                    <CustomTooltip                      active={active}                      payload={cleanPayload}                      label={label}                    />                  ) : (                    <ChartTooltip                      active={active}                      payload={cleanPayload}                      label={label}                      valueFormatter={valueFormatter}                    />                  )                ) : null              }}            />
                {showLegend ? (              <RechartsLegend                verticalAlign="top"                height={legendHeight}                content={({ payload }) =>                  ChartLegend(                    { payload },                    categoryColors,                    setLegendHeight,                    activeLegend,                    hasOnValueChange                      ? (clickedLegendItem: string) =>                          onCategoryClick(clickedLegendItem)                      : undefined,                    enableLegendSlider,                    legendPosition,                    yAxisWidth,                  )                }              />            ) : null}            { => {              const categoryId = `${areaId}-${category.replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/g, "")}`              return (                <React.Fragment key={category}>                  <defs key={category}>                    <linearGradient                      key={category}                      className={cx(                        getColorClassName(                          categoryColors.get(                            category,                          ) as AvailableChartColorsKeys,                          "text",                        ),                      )}                      id={categoryId}                      x1="0"                      y1="0"                      x2="0"                      y2="1"                    >                      {getFillContent({                        fillType: fill,                        activeDot: activeDot,                        activeLegend: activeLegend,                        category: category,                      })}                    </linearGradient>                  </defs>                  <Area                    className={cx(                      getColorClassName(                        categoryColors.get(                          category,                        ) as AvailableChartColorsKeys,                        "stroke",                      ),                    )}                    strokeOpacity={                      activeDot || (activeLegend && activeLegend !== category)                        ? 0.3                        : 1                    }                    activeDot={(props: any) => {                      const {                        cx: cxCoord,                        cy: cyCoord,                        stroke,                        strokeLinecap,                        strokeLinejoin,                        strokeWidth,                        dataKey,                      } = props                      return (                        <Dot                          className={cx(                            "stroke-white dark:stroke-gray-950",                            onValueChange ? "cursor-pointer" : "",                            getColorClassName(                              categoryColors.get(                                dataKey,                              ) as AvailableChartColorsKeys,                              "fill",                            ),                          )}                          cx={cxCoord}                          cy={cyCoord}                          r={5}                          fill=""                          stroke={stroke}                          strokeLinecap={strokeLinecap}                          strokeLinejoin={strokeLinejoin}                          strokeWidth={strokeWidth}                          onClick={(_, event) => onDotClick(props, event)}                        />                      )                    }}                    dot={(props: any) => {                      const {                        stroke,                        strokeLinecap,                        strokeLinejoin,                        strokeWidth,                        cx: cxCoord,                        cy: cyCoord,                        dataKey,                        index,                      } = props
                          if (                        (hasOnlyOneValueForKey(data, category) &&                          !(                            activeDot ||                            (activeLegend && activeLegend !== category)                          )) ||                        (activeDot?.index === index &&                          activeDot?.dataKey === category)                      ) {                        return (                          <Dot                            key={index}                            cx={cxCoord}                            cy={cyCoord}                            r={5}                            stroke={stroke}                            fill=""                            strokeLinecap={strokeLinecap}                            strokeLinejoin={strokeLinejoin}                            strokeWidth={strokeWidth}                            className={cx(                              "stroke-white dark:stroke-gray-950",                              onValueChange ? "cursor-pointer" : "",                              getColorClassName(                                categoryColors.get(                                  dataKey,                                ) as AvailableChartColorsKeys,                                "fill",                              ),                            )}                          />                        )                      }                      return <React.Fragment key={index}></React.Fragment>                    }}                    key={category}                    name={category}                    type="linear"                    dataKey={category}                    stroke=""                    strokeWidth={2}                    strokeLinejoin="round"                    strokeLinecap="round"                    isAnimationActive={false}                    connectNulls={connectNulls}                    stackId={stacked ? "stack" : undefined}                    fill={`url(#${categoryId})`}                  />                </React.Fragment>              )            })}            {/* hidden lines to increase clickable target area */}            {onValueChange              ? => (                  <Line                    className={cx("cursor-pointer")}                    strokeOpacity={0}                    key={category}                    name={category}                    type="linear"                    dataKey={category}                    stroke="transparent"                    fill="transparent"                    legendType="none"                    tooltipType="none"                    strokeWidth={12}                    connectNulls={connectNulls}                    onClick={(props: any, event) => {                      event.stopPropagation()                      const { name } = props                      onCategoryClick(name)                    }}                  />                ))              : null}          </RechartsAreaChart>        </ResponsiveContainer>      </div>    )  },)
    AreaChart.displayName = "AreaChart"
    export { AreaChart, type AreaChartEventProps, type TooltipProps }

Example with different types




Example with Axis Labels and solid fill

Example with onValueChange

When you add onValueChange to the AreaChart, it becomes clickable.


Example with startEndOnly, custom yAxisWidth, no legend, and no tooltip

Example with tooltipCallback

Revenue by month


Example with customTooltip

API Reference: AreaChart

Record<string, any>[]
Data used to display the chart.
Key of the data object to map the data to the x axis.

Default: []

Select the categories from your data. Also used to populate the legend and toolip.

Default: []

Change the colors of the categories. To add, update, or remove the colors, edit the 'chartColors' array in your chartUtils.ts file. The AvailableChartColorsKeys will be automatically updated.

Default: AvailableChartColors, which are by default: 'blue' | 'emerald' | 'violet' | 'amber' | 'gray' | 'cyan' | 'pink' | 'lime' | 'fuchsia'

'default' | 'stacked' | 'percent'
Select how chart areas are positioned relative to each other.

Default: 'default'

(value: number) => string
Controls the text formatting for the y-axis values. Also used in the Tooltip.
Show only the first and last elements in the x-axis.

Default: false

Controls the visibility of the X axis.

Default: true

Controls the visibility of the Y axis.

Default: true

Controls the width of the y-axis.

Default: 56

Controls the visibility of the gridlines within the plotted area.

Default: true

equidistantPreserveStart | preserveStartEnd
Controls the interval logic of the X axis and how ticks and labels are placed.

Default: equidistantPreserveStart

Controls the visibility of the tooltip.

Default: true

Controls the visibility of the legend.

Default: true

Adjusts the minimum value in relation to the magnitude of the data.

Default: false

Sets the minimum value of the shown chart data.
Sets the maximum value of the shown chart data.
Controls if the ticks of a numeric axis are displayed as decimals or not.

Default: true

(value: EventProps) => void
Callback function for when the value of the component changes.
Adds a slider functionality to the legend instead of wrapping the legend items.

Default: false

Sets the minimum gap between two adjacent labels.

Default: 5

Connects datapoints that have null values between them.

Default: false

Add a label to the x-axis.
Add a label to the y-axis.
'gradient' | 'solid' | 'none'
Select the fill variant of the area.

Default: 'gradient'

(tooltipCallbackContent: TooltipProps) => void
Callback function that returns the active, payload, when the tooltip changes.
Render a custom tooltip component.